Small Giant Sports Association
系統性訓練 - 會所籃球班 Clubhouse Basketball classes - Systematic training
Sep 6
3 min read
There are some common issues for clubhoouse basketball classes: For instance, coaches punctuality, abscence, lack of passion, low coaching quality etc.
我們會針對這些問題,以保證會所有高質素的教學興趣班及穩定的教練供應。我們有強大的教練網絡,包括就讀體育、運動科學等專業的畢業生及大學生,以及不同的學生運動員。我們也與球會合作,以保證我們的教練供應穩定及教學質素的保證。 We will target on these problems and gurantee to provide both high quality and consistence coaches. We have a wide coaches network, including undergraduates and graduated students in Bachelor of Sports or Sports Science, together with students athletes. Also, we work with clubs in order to gurantee a consistent and high quality coching services.
另外,我們有專業的訓練系統,每一個教練也會根據我們的教案及系統,訓練會所的球員和小朋友。這些訓練內容參考了外國及日本籃球發展方針,務求提供最高質的訓練內容。 On the other hand, we have a professional training system and specific schemes, which is designed by referencing to foreign and Japan’s basketball development planning. Every coaches will train the players and children according to our provided training scheme and system in order to provide the most excellent traning content.
Why Choose us?
We provide not only basketball traning, but also the following services:
第一階段:籃球歡樂日 (Fun Day)
Phase 1: Basketball Fun Day
我們希望透過歡樂日,讓不同歲數的小朋友,甚至大人,去感受我們的訓練。我們會分開不同年齡層及實力,確保每一個人都有最適合的籃球體驗。 We hope to allow people from different ages to experience our traning through the Fun Day. We will separate different ages and skill level participants in order to ensure everyone can have the best basketball experience
第二階段:系統性籃球興趣班 Phase 2: Systematic Basketball Classes
我們會透過分開不同年齡層及實力,去培養不同的球員。每一期的訓練會有專業的課表,讓球員又系統性地訓練,從而獲得最大的進步。We will separate different ages and skill level participants. There will be a specific professional scheme for players to train systematically in each section of traning in order to achieve the largest improvement.
我們也希望小朋友能在籃球中,培養他們的待人處事及面對困難的態度,以及令他們明白體育精神的重要性。We also hope that children can practice their communication skills and develop the mindset of overcoming obstacles, and also understanding the importance of sportsmanship.
第三階段:會所籃球隊 Phase 3: Clubhouse Basketball Team
與第二階段主要提升個人技術實力不同,第三階段是主要訓練團隊技術的觀念及策略。會所籃球隊的成立是吸引為了想打比賽的球員,令他們有團隊訓練及為比賽作準備。 Different from developing personal skills in phase 2, we mainly focus in developing Teams’concenpts and strategies. The purpose of establishing a clubhouse team is to attact players who want to participate in competition, so that they can have a better traning environment and preparation.
Phase 4: Inter-clubhouse Basketball Tournament
我們聯合其他會所籃球隊,舉辦一個大型的聯賽,讓會所籃球隊有比賽的機會。比賽會有曝光率,並有機會發掘有潛質的球員。 We will unite other clubhouse teams to hold a large tournament, which allow different clubhouse to participate in matches. This can always provide exposure for those talented players to be seen by the public.